Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Water The Fish

In my ingenuous inability to comprehend the mystery behind the usage of a particularly obscene expletive from my contemporaries, starting from the sixth letter of the English alphabet, my mind started to experiment with the acronym to redefine it and to restore balance to the profanity ridden world! Why the hell in Finland (or France, or Fiji) did this phrase have to come into existence ever? Why not rephrase it; 'Want The Fitness’, ‘Wait The Fate’, ‘Want the Food’, ‘Wrote till The Finish’ etc... It is a weed that crops up in everyone’s mind, it is an unwelcome guest and it is a dangerous dynamite, what the hell!! There are pachyderms who care not what they spell, but there are soft hearted others as well. With pride I confess, I belong to the latter category and to live without this phrase today is a myth I shall dispel. Language is not only a medium of communication but the words chosen to communicate reflect the personality of the speaker. Then why should those of us with sanity in our heads be swept by the decidedly indecent language of morons? What the flower do people wish to convey by repeated and unnecessary use of such offensive terms? These lame people must be exceedingly lazy to learn a few adjectives to use instead of their favourite what the phrase. The increasing indifference of the people world over to the excessive use of expletives is shameful. The next time you hear anyone say ‘WT*’ tell them to go Water The Fish for their expression has just as much meaning! 


I wonder why you did leave

Late at night when I cannot sleep  When day is far and I do weep When there is nothing left but to think, I wonder why you did leave. ...